Core Brand Strategy | Creative Lead (Copy)
THE MOST REWARDING GAME. The best odds to make your world a little better, in every play.

Unicef faces some of the most intense humanitarian challenges worldwide, with children being the most susceptible. Now, it needs new revenue streams while strengthening its positioning as one of the World's leading charities. It was UNICEF’s first lottery and the first online charity lottery in Norway.
Consumer’s “giving fatigue”
Immunisation to charitable speech
Smear campaigns against charity
Not enough ‘altruists’ in the world
Create new charitable dynamics
Maximise the entertainment value of lottery
Generate excitement around solidarity
Expand individual daydream into being part of the change
Unfavourable perceptions associated to both charity and lottery
Consumers’ growing resistance to charitable narratives
Remaining credible
in the tricky field between gambling and charity
Competing against national lottery giants
Become the lottery brand contributing the most (% & mobilisation).
Provide clear spend information to address public concerns.
Give players the choice to play, donate directly, or back specific projects.
Disrupt both ‘charity’ and ‘lottery’ by becoming an ‘exciting game of change’.
Beyond money, provide Unicef experiences to players, volunteers and fundraisers.
Replace the guilt trip approach with empowerment and positive impact.
Go beyond ‘lottery’ to 'become cause’: raise money and mobilise people.
Shift the focus from ‘charity’ to solidarity and collective bond.
Turn entertainment into a rewarding contribution.
Start meaningful conversations.
Provide players with social currency.
Go from cash-only prizes to fun and excitement (volunteering, involvement and experiences).

We see a world where no one needs saving. Where health, freedom and shelter are no longer a challenge. where those who thrive and those who struggle are united by an understanding that goes beyond borders. Everyone deserves the feeling of making a difference, the knowing that they were part of this change. We work for a new generation of hope. And what we do feels better than winning.